© Coalition for Fair Access to Psychology
The Coalition for Fair Access to Psychology
The Regulatory Environment
Is Changing​​:
Over Regulation
​Impedes Access​


After trending toward increasing regulations for several decades, the regulatory environment is shifting. Factors include the recognition of the unmet needs which could be met by easing the restrictions imposed by licensing boards. Often in the past, licensing boards have required the highest level of education and training to provide many activities which could be provided safely and effectively by persons with less, but more focused education.
Market​​place factors also impact the regulatory environment, with results which sometimes have unintended consequences. For example the American Psychological Association has long maintained "The Doctoral Standard" for licensure, significantly limiting the availability of persons trained in the competent practice of psychology. Meanwhile, the proliferation of Licensed Counselors and Licensed Mental Health Counselors sometimes has put them in the position of having to provide services which would have been better provided by a psychology practitioner.